
Well, hello! I’m so happy you’re here!
This is a sampling and curated list of the keynotes and sessions that I’ve presented in the last couple years or before COVID hit and kept us all out of the convention centers. Now that I've retired, I'm very selective with the time away from the coast. But, reach out if you're interested!

It's been an honor and a pleasure to be invited to keynote and speak in: 
3 city tour of Australia:  Sydney, Adelaide, & Perth 

21  States in America & Washington, DC

4 Provinces in Canada: Whitehorse Yukon Territory, Vancouver -British Columbia, Montreal- Quebec, Calgary -Alberta

The first paragraph is the description that you can use in your promotional materials. Some have further rationales or more information. Need a shorter or longer version? Just ask! All of my presentations are obsessively and regularly updated to reflect current pedagogy, memes, tropes, geeky fads, and current cutting edge education technology trends. Want to focus on the Future Ready framework?  Got it! Still using Common Core? I can do that, too! Graphically, I have strong opinions on what makes a vibrant and engaging slidedeck. I even have a workshop on that. I also have a fondness for Star Wars characters, Ninja’s, and other geeky imagery.  That’s kind of a given. Have a subject that you're interested in that you don’t see here? Just ask me, I’m always up for something new! 

I love hearing from my PLN & visiting different cities, states, & countries spreading the Daring Librarian Ed Tech Transliteracy, Community Connections, and Transparency Revolution message. Even though I am a Teacher-Librarian, I do believe my (sometimes irreverent, humorous, & approachable) message goes beyond the Library and school walls and is applicable for all subject areas and levels of education and ed tech.

As a former member of the ISTE Board of Directors, I proudly represented ALL PK-12 educators.

It has been my honor & privilege to be invited to be a keynote and featured speaker at several International and US state Technology & Library conferences including: Opening keynote for ATLE -Convergence, Calgary Canada, QSLIN Library Symposium Keynote for the Ministry of Education - Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Keynote - California Teacher's Association Summer Institute at UCLA, Opening Keynote, ASTE18 - Anchorage Alaska METC15, SCASL15, Featured Speaker at FETC 2017 - Orlando, CUE14 - Palm Springs, California, LibraryLinkNJ, , AASL13, MACUL, AISL, MASL, CASL, NCSLMA, MSET, METC, WEMTAand was invited by Syba Signs of Australia to go on a three city speaking tour with Dr. Joyce Valenza to the cities of Sydney, Adelaide, and Perth! (I know, pinch me - right?) 

The full list is at the very bottom of this page going back to my first session in 1996, "Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego: A Fun Multimedia Research Unit for Grades 4-8. Featuring CD-Roms, GeoSafari, and the Internet. It was new then!  Please feel free to contact me, I'd love to talk about how we can work together!

* Choose to be Fierce and Future Ready (60-90 min Keynote / Session)
10 Ways Educators can be a Marketing Genius Like Lady Gaga  (60-90 min Keynote / Session)
* Mobile Media in the Library or Classroom: Diving into Digital Discoveries (60 min Session)
* Makerspace Starter Kit Decoded (60 min Session)
* FOMO: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Instagram  (60 min Session)
* 10 Easy Ways to be a Teacher Librarian Rockstar
* Tweet Like a Ninja in 6 Easy Steps: Education Edition (60 min Session)
Tweet Like a Ninja in 6 Easy Steps: Public Library Edition
Tweet Like a Ninja in 6 Easy Steps: Social Media for Small Business Marketing Edition
*Denotes Most Popular, or Most Requested

2019 Workshops:
Transparency is the New Black: New Literacies That Look FABULOUS On You (Hands on workshop
Digital Image Factory: Super Cool Tips & Tricks for Visually Arresting School Graphics

My top keynotes & presentations are:

(Please Note: This keynote is ever evolving, updating, and changing. Visually, I am still enamored with these gorgeous and geeky Creative Commons storm trooper photos and graphics. I can't help it. So, if you think you've seen this presentation or keynote before, I assure haven't!)

Choose to be Fierce & Future Ready
Our world is not changing back. In the tumult of today's technical and pedagogical innovation, it's time to take action! As fierce and future ready educators, our language has shifted to connect, collaborate, create, construct, make, flip, share, advocate and empower to move forward into the universe of rigorous instruction. This session will make sense of the sensational and decode the Babel of buzzwords. You needn’t choose to adopt and change everything in your tech tool bag - but picking just one or two new things to try, can transform your professional practice. Choosing to be an EdTech Trooper and a change agent within education isn't easy - but it's ultimately rewarding for Teacher Librarians, Educators, Admins, and Padawans. Doing the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs, is optional.

(128 words and 800 characters)

With so many buzzwords out there in relation to ed tech devices, trends, and innovative teaching strategies, it's easy to feel lost in space! This session will demystify, define, and give clear examples of how to navigate to the latest curricular kicks without guilt tripping the educator.  Topics will include: How to connect and collaborate global classrooms with Skype and YouTube Live hangouts. How to encourage and support BYOD & implement Apps in school, (Skype, YouTube Live, Twitter, Instagram, Boomerang, Bitmoji, YouTube, Flocabulary, BrainPop, SnapChat, and more). How utilize social media modeling and leadership as a communication transparency tool for educators with students, parents, PLN, and the community. How to become a fearless beta testing teacher who is able to welcome change and embrace the fail.

This session will introduce the Makerspace movement, and explain: how to get started for less than $350; how to craft a brain - based classroom with what you have or what you can get on the cheap at discount stores; how to find funding for tech innovations if you don't have the budget; how to easily Flip the classroom, issues around the digital divide, and how to modify or do a partial flip.

This Star Wars Trooper themed interactive and audio-visually rich conversation (video, mobile, social, & crowdsourcing) will tap audience experiences, ideas, and expertise to bring us all together to tackle the often confusing and intimidating universe of ed tech trends with positivity and professionalism. All resources with examples & lesson plans will be available on this dedicated session website.

Presentation Resources 

BONUS for Back to School!

Do you have a fear of missing out? That’s FOMO. Have you been worried about how or where to start a Social Media presence? Are you overwhelmed and concerned about the legal ramifications of promoting your professional practice with the most popular platform out there called the Instagram? It's more than taking pictures of pretty plates in restaurants, Instagram is a powerful tool to push the positive, promote literacy, and model appropriate and effective Social Media behavior.  This session will provide practical tips on how to start, craft, promote, and maintain a professional Instagram. Demystifying the easiest and most fun way to connect with students, parents, and community. Simple ways to share all the great things that go on every day in your classroom, library, and school. The human element will not fail us here. On Instagram, it’s good to be human. Bring water. No Fluoride. No FOMO.

Fomo Keynote / Session GRAPHIC
(148 words and 904 characters)
Session Note-Taking GSuite Worksheet - Please go to File > Make a copy - Thanks!
Presentation Resources 

My Latest Community Library Presentation: 
Kids these days aren’t on Facebook and they don’t like to email 
- so why not connect with them where they already are?
Instagram is one of the easiest Social Media platforms to start, manage, and have fun with! In 5 easy steps, this Tech friendly session is an overview of how to get connected with family and journaling your life in pictures and short text with Instagram.  #Instagrannies is an already popular international hashtag where Grandparents and seniors of all ages share their vital & visual daily adventures, lives, and loves. Come to this session and get in on all the fun! Grams, Grannies, Grandpas, Parents, and people of all ages welcome! 

Other Popular Presentations: 

Makerspace Starter Kit Decoded: Constructivism in the Classroom 
The Maker Movement, is a student friendly laboratory of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. This session dives into how to start or add onto your own Maker Program on a budget or for little or nothing. Practical tips, clever tricks, spectacular wins, epic fails and lessons learned when building a culture of constructivism in the classroom. Topics will include: robotics, gamification, coding, LEGOS, TV production, brain based learning, mindfulness, coloring, Origami, charging devices and the digital divide and the duct tape fiasco of 2015. Also to be discussed is alternate funding with Donor's Choose and Social Media. Let's make it work!

Rationale: a Makerspace can be any school, classroom, or library environment where informal, collaborative learning and discovery can take place through hands-on creation, and through the use of any combination of art and technology. Bringing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics and Making) to every subject unleashes the inner inventor in us all. Makerspaces facilitate both analog and digital creation. The mission of the space is to create and invent new things while giving students a fail-safe, tactile, and kinesthetic experience. Mindfulness and brain-based spacial design are also a part of this real-life learning laboratory.  This session will introduce the history of the Maker movement, questions to ask before implementation, a basic starter kit, and how to build a brain-based classroom without spending too much money. Funding for a Makerspace through Donor's Choose campaigns, contributions, and how to amplify your program with community crowdsourcing will also be discussed.  We've had a Makerspace in our school since 1997 (who knew!?) and though we've had many spectacular wins, we've also had several expensive  epic fails. I'll share what to avoid, lessons learned, as well as practical tips and clever tricks, when crafting a culture of making in the classroom. Will provide a related blog post, full of resources, donwloadables, printables, and practical planning guides, we will explore the easy implementation, and management of a constructivist program in the school. This multimedia interactive session will also include engaging videos, a hands-on make and take, and ways to connect with the Maker PLN community.  
Presentation Resources 

Mobile Media in the Classroom: Diving into Digital Discoveries 

While QR Codes are still a vibrant way to communicate with your kids, parents, and your community - new mobile apps have exploded with ways to instantly engage, create, and interact with students as they dive into fun digital discoveries! Whether you're a 1:1, BYOD, or tech limited school - you can implement QR Codes, Kahoots, IoT, Instagrams, Boomerang, and interactive apps in the classroom with just one device, iPad, laptop, or smart phone. This multimedia presentation will feature meme’s, Jimmy Fallon, a singing Stephen Colbert, MYST3000, Godzilla, maybe some games, and lots of examples of how to easily implement a fun mobile strategy for your Library Ed Tech teaching practice.
Presentation Resources 

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Tweet Like a Ninja in 6 Easy Steps: Education Edition

Twitter is one of the most significant, rich, and profound professional development tools out there (& it's FREE!) but mastering it takes some slick sensei moves. All administrators and educators can benefit from the use of Twitter for creating global connections. Whether you're a Twitter newbie, lurker, or champion, this session will be chock full of easy tips and tricks to learn. You will explore the language of Twitter, see how to set up an account and gain followers. Learn how to connect and share resources with your community and educators around the world. Discover how to participate in real-time online professional development and get updates from educational organizations via Twitter using hashtags, chats and groups. From choosing the right user name, creating a profile that packs a punch, and using graphic designs that grab, to how to build a powerful global personal learning network, you can master the art of the Tweet! BYOD.

Digital Image Factory: Super Cool Tips & Tricks for Visually Arresting School Signage
Have you ever wanted to know how to make cool digital images and visually arresting school signage? Or maybe create the kind of graphics that make school or professional blogs popular and school newsletters pop? Or maybe you just want to know the tips and tricks on how to make all your school web site and staff photo pics look so perfected and airbrushed that you instantly become a digital super hero?  Creating compelling visual signage is truly an art form. You want your digital images and signs to stand out and be visible, but you don’t want them to be distracting or overwhelming. All these tips for FREE without having to master Photoshop and more are covered in this fun and graphic one hour session! (Or could be expanded into a Workshop with hands on practice)

Where I've Been:
21 States in America & Washington, DC
4 Provinces in Canada: Whitehorse Yukon Territory, Vancouver -British Columbia, Montreal- Quebec, Calgary -Alberta
3 City tour of Australia: Sidney, Adelaide, & Perth
and counting! I'd love to add YOUR state to my Map! (Shameless, I know!)
OELMA19 - Dublin, OH
Santa Rosa School Distric Summer19,  FL
CGMD19 - Ocean City, MD
NETA19, Omaha, NE 
Yukon Teachers Association - Whitehorse, Canada
KASL18 Summer Institute, KS
ASTE18 - Anchorage, AK
AkASL18 - Anchorage, AK
Dallas ISD17 - Library Media, TX
MNPSLibHack17 - Nashville, TN
AAIM17 - Little Rock, AR
FETC17- Orlando, FLA
ISLMA16 - Chicago, IL
HCPSS16 - Folly Quarter, MD
BCTLA16 - Burnaby, BC - CA
HCPSS16 - Folly Quarter, MD
NHSLMA16 - Concord, NH
QSLiN 16 - Montreal, CA
Remix Webinar16 - Learning Bird / School Library Journal
ATLE15 Keynote - Calgary, CA
RSSMedia 15, Salisbury, NC

CTA Summer Institute15, LA -CA
ICfLSummit15, Ketchum ID
SCASL15 - Columbia, SC
METC15 Keynote- St. Louis, Mo
LibraryLinkNJ - Webinar 15
CUE14 - Palm Springs, CA
AASL13- Hartford, CT
RSCON4 -2013 - Global & Virtual
INFOhio13 -Virtual Camp
ISTE13 - San Anontio, TX
MACUL13 - Detroit, MI
SCASL13 - Columbia, SC
DigiLit12 - November
BWAD12 - October
Syba Signs, Australia July-Aug 2012
CGMD12 - Baltimore, MD
WEMTA12 - Wisconsin Dells
AASL12 - Minneapolis, MN
NCSLMA11 - Winston-Salem, NC
ISTE11 - Philly, PA
CASL-SS - Webinar
MSET11 - Baltimore, MD
METC_CSD11 - St. Louis, MO
EduCon11 - Philladelphia, PA
CASL10 - Hartford, CT
MASL10-- Hagerstown, MD
ISTE10 - Denver, CO
MSET10- Baltimore, MD
AASL2009- Charlotte, NC
NECC09 - Washington, DC
MICCA Technology Conference for Maryland - Every year since 1996.


Jones, Gwyneth. Get Graphic! Easy Animation for Teachers – Wired Wednesday Webinar for WEMTA (Jan 2012)

Jones, Gwyneth - Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today: A Guided Conversation about Leadership Programs (October 2011) Panel Discussion with Sara Kelly Johns, Margeaux DelGguidice, Shannon M. Miller Laura Warren-Gross, & Wendy Stephens 
Minneapolis, MN

Jones, Gwyneth, Keynote Speaker - 10 Ways to be a Library Marketing Genius Like Lady Gaga (October 2011)
Plus: How to be a Powerpoint Ninja, QR Codes in the Classroom & Library, Too! & Library Media Promotion Through Easy Animation,
Winston-Salem, NC

Jones, Gwyneth, Valenza, Joyce, Miller, Dembo, Steve, Shannon M., Lehman, Chad,  Provenzano, Nicholas, (June 2011) Learning Tools Family Feud Game Show 
Philadelphia, PA

Jones, Gwyneth, Featured Speaker (April 2011) 6 Concurrent Sessions including: QR Codes in the Classroom, & more!
MSET - Maryland Society for Educational Technology - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth. Featured Speaker (February 2011) - Pre-Conference Workshop:Web 2.0 Tools Smackdown (AM) and Sessions: Don’t Be a Rotary Phone: Advocacy and the Social Media Revolution, Library Media Promotion Through Easy Animation,
St. Charles, MO

Jones, Gwyneth, Valenza, Joyce, Miller, Shannon M. (January 2011) Conversation - The Future of Student Inquiry/Research: Environmental Scanning and Scenario Building & Wiki
EduCon 2.3
Philadelphia, PA

Jones, Gwyneth, (January 2011) Conversation - The Power of the Product: Creative, Meaningful, & Daring Ways to Demonstrate Information Mastery & The Power of the Product Wiki
EduCon 2.3
Philadelphia, PA

Jones, Gwyneth (October 2010) Conference Keynote - Don’t Hate the Hashtag: A Social Media Revolution for School Librarians,
CASL- Conneticut Association of School Librarians
Cromwell, CT

Bob Edwards Show - NPR & Sirius XM Interview - “Shhh! Libraries At Work” Listen to the Podcast - Look for “Week Two of our Series

"Librarian and Steampunk Fan Gwyneth Jones Set to Rock ISTE." Article. School Library Journal. 2010: 31-32.

Jones, Gwyneth (November 2010) Conference Keynote - Don’t Hate the Hashtag: A Social Media Revolution for School Librarians,
MASL- Maryland Association of School Librarians
Hagerstown, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (June 2010) Learning Tools Smackdown, with a panel consisting of Dr. Joyce Valenza, Chad Lehman, Phil Goerner, Amy Oberts et all.
ISTE - International Society for Technology Education
Denver, CO

Jones, Gwyneth (June 2010) Learning Tools Smackdown, with a panel consisting of Dr. Joyce Valenza, Chad Lehman, Phil Goerner, Amy Oberts et all.
ISTE - International Society for Technology Education
Denver, CO

Jones, Gwyneth (June 2010) Dissecting the 21st Century Educator , with a panel consisting of Selena Ward - The Tech Tiger, Kenneth Shelton, Carol Broos, Paula White, and Andy Losik,
ISTE - International Society for Technology Education
Denver, CO

Jones, Gwyneth (Spring 2010) Learning Tools Smackdown! with a panel consisting of: Geordie Paulus, Aaron Smith, and Selena Ward.
MSET - Maryland Society for Educational Technology - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth, Valenza, Joyce, Eisenberg, Mike (Feb 1, 2010) "What is in a name? A discussion about identity and vision." TL Virtual Cafe webinar series for through LearnCentral!

Jones, Gwyneth (Fall 2009) Turbo Charge Your Resources: Fabulous Freebies, Great Gadgets, & Sweet Sites that Go the Distance!
Anne Arundel Public Schools – Library Media In-Service

Annapolis, MD
Jones, Gwyneth (Dec 10, 2009) Library Media Marketing Through Easy Animation
ISTE SIGMS Webinar Series in Second Life Virtual Grid

Jones, Gwyneth (Fall 2009) Turbo Charge Your Resources: Fabulous Freebies, Great Gadgets, & Sweet Sites that Go the Distance!
AASL - American Association of School Librarians
Charlottesville, NC

Jones, Gwyneth (Fall 2009) Library Tools Smackdown! with a panel consisting of: Joyce Valenza, Buffy Hamilton, Brenda Anderson, Cathy Nelson, Chris Harris, Shonda Brisco, Amy Oberts, and Anita Beaman.
AASL - American Association of School Librarians
Charlottesville, NC

Jones, Gwyneth (Fall 2009) AASL Bloggers’ Café - Easy Animation Studios with Go Animate & Xtranormal
AASL - American Association of School Librarians
Charlottesville, NC

Jones, Gwyneth (Spring 2009) Gadget-A-Go-Go: Be Cool in School, Part Deux
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (Spring 2008) Gadget-A-Go-Go: Be Cool in School
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (Fall 2007) Interviewed as an expert on the Parent Teacher Connection Television series for a segment entitled: Social Networking, Internet Awareness & Safety with Jennifer Elam  

Jones, Gwyneth (Spring 2007) The Power of Podcasting: The Quick & Easy Way.
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (Spring 2006) Internet Safety for Parents, Teachers & Teens
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (Spring 2005) News @School, Live! Technology Integration through Television Production
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (July 2004) DC-101: Digital Camera Basics, Buying, and Use in the Classroom: Internet Resources for the Educator. Presented by Maryland Public Television and the JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health EnviroHealth Connections: Summer Institute, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (April 2004) Doing Backflips Over Google for Yahooligans: Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of These Favorite Websites
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (July 2003) DC-101: Digital Camera Basics, Buying, and Use in the Classroom: Internet Resources for the Educator. Presented by Maryland Public Television and the JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health EnviroHealth Connections: Summer Institute, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (March 2003) Tapped Into Teacher Professional Development: an Online Community of Practice
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (July 2002) Get Into Cybershape: Internet Resources for the Educator. Presented by Maryland Public Television and JHU's Bloomberg's School of Public Health’s BioHealth Link: Questions of Cancer Summer Institute, Medical School Campus- Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (March 2002) Electronic Learning Communities: Cutting Edge Professional Development,
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (May 2001) Internet Integration: a Jump Start!
Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Conference
Solomon's Island, MD

Jones, Gwyneth, Wells, Dianne, (March 2001) Lights, Cameras, and Action: Technology Integration Through Television Production
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (July 2001) Get Into Cybershape: Internet Resources for the Educator. Presented by Maryland Public Television and JHU's Bloomberg's School of Public Health BioHealth Link: Questions of Cancer Summer Institute, Medical School Campus- Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (March 2000) Talkin Trash! It's All About Recycling
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association - ISTE Affiliate - International Society for Technology in Education
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (March 2000) Internet Integration: a Jump Start! WNET Channel 13 New York and MPT National Teacher Training Institute of Math, Science & Technology . UMBC. Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (March 1999) Web Design with Netscape Composer: A Template for Success In and Out of the Classroom MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association, Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth, Smith, Sallie, (March 1999) Master Teacher and Presenter: Talkin' Trash! It's All About Recycling, & Classroom NET Channel 13 New York and MPT National Teacher Training Institute of Math, Science & Technology. UMBC.
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (October 1998) Satire, Parody and the Fairy Tale: Jon Scieszka's Stinky Cheese Man and Fairly Stupid Tales - Interactive Storytelling with Hyper Studio, MEMO Conference, 1998
Greenbelt, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (March 1997) Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego: A Fun Multimedia Research Unit for Grades 4-8 - Part DEUX Featuring the Apple IIgs, GeoSafari, USA Atlas CD-ROM & the Internet!
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association,
Baltimore, MD

Jones, Gwyneth (March 1996) Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego: A Fun Multimedia Research Unit for Grades 4-8. Featuring the Apple IIgs, GeoSafari, USA Atlas CD-ROM & the Internet!
MICCA - Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association,
Baltimore, MD

Advanced Professional Certificate, Maryland State Department of Education: Library Media K-12

Service to the Profession:
ISTE Board of Directors - Representing PK-12 Technology Educators - ISTE – International Society for Technology Education 2010-1014

Member, ISTE – International Society for Technology Education

Member, MSET - Maryland Society for Educational Technology

Member, ALA - American Library Association

Member, AASL – American Association for School Librarians

Member, MASL - Maryland Association for School Librarians

Member, Library Media Steering Committee of Howard County

Member, A+ Partnership HCPSS & Howard County Library


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