Dare Every OTHER Day

Dare Every Other Day
You know, one becomes pretty reflective when they change up their life in a big way. Like moving into another professional phase after 30 years of teaching - 25 in Middle School!
Coming up with "The Daring Librarian" brand back in 2010 was a choice that was inspired by an ISTE conference. I don't regret it. But, I have to say that my early preaching about being a daring educator, to always strive to be on the forefront of ed tech innovations, and to continually try new things in the classroom every day....can be a bit exhausting. And quite daunting.
So, dare...every...other...day. Or week, or month. Don't push yourself or silently guilt yourself if you feel like you're not pushing yourself more. That's only on you. No one else is thinking "why aren't they doing this or that?" Mindfulness and taking time for self-care is a real thing. Practice that, too!
Balance. Between life and profession is not only healthy - it's imperative. Otherwise we will see even more teachers burn out. Don't burn out. Be passionate. Be optimistic. Be present. But also be realistic and take care of yourself.
I joined Threads on the first day. Can't say I'm real impressed. But you know I had to "be there" to check it out. Like a moral or EdTech imperative. See? There's that internal pressure to always be on the cutting edge of technology.
If you haven't given it a whirl yet, here's what it looks like and how to embed a post. Just like Instagram, seems like on the web version only, can you grab the embed code Have you tried it? What do you think?
Post by @thedaringlibrarianView on Threads
I kinda miss the excitement that was the vibrant Twitter we used to know. (Great, now I've got Gotye in me heid) I'm mostly on Instagram these days - if you're wondering. ;-).
Am I really retired? Hmm.... I've been thinking about this for a year.
I'm pacing myself. I'm volunteering and helping others here and there - gardening, swimming, crafting, decorating my front porch, working with my community. Graphic designing here, writing a press release there. Social Media for small businesses and non-profits. Some pro-bono. Reading. Wearing fuzzy socks. It's lovely. But, I still feel that creative hunger to stretch my talents. I also find time to take a nap now and then.
Not retired yet? Pace yourself. If you're starting out your Education career, don't let your frustration get to a point where you're ready to quit. Remember why you're there. For the kids. Education is a calling. Don't feel it? Change jobs. Full stop. Education demands full belief. Got it? Great! But, you also have to take time for yourself. Fully enjoy the summer break and go back to school refreshed, renewed, and ready to start another teaching year trying your best. It's not a sprint....it's a marathon. I bet if I continue to write stream of thought I could rustle up some more cliché sayings!
But you know why those kinds of sayings ARE cliché? Because they tap into our zeitgeist. They work. The whole "fake it till you make it" is for real.
I know, I was a cocktail waitress in Baltimore City for a while in my younger years! lolYou get better tips when you're funny and you smile. Even when inside you're not really feeling it. After a bit, it works. You really do feel it.
Be the effing Pollyanna in your school. It not only works, but it pisses off the salty haters.
I've used the word "imperative" three times in this post - written very fast, all stream of thought, conversational and unplanned. But it's funny what comes out. Don't stress about things that you feel are "imperative" because, are they really? In life? What is actually imperative? Eat. Breathe. Read. Sleep. Love. Laugh. Damn, not a stupid wooden sign in your house but the real stuff. Just be passionate about life.
Don't give up - but you also don't have to dare EVERY day. Also, branding is great but you only need to brand your own name. Be the daring YOU.
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Mindfulness for the Win. Keep on decorating your life.
PS. I can sometimes be an idiot. I was cleaning out my comment folder where hundreds --- are SPAM comments. Why do they think I would post a comment advertising a male enhancement drug? Or the best ways to weight train in Australia? OR Legit voodoo love spell caster? Anyway, I somehow accidently deleted some already approved & REAL comments and I can't find how to get them back. I am SO sorry if your real comment was accidently lost. If you have the passion and the energy to re-comment I will definitely put it back. -- just make sure to add "Gwynnie, I'm not SPAM! LOL and use your real first name"
Love it! It took me awhile to find a career I am truly passionate about and I can't wait for the day I can officially have a classroom of my own.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment! Don't lose your passion & best of luck to you!
DeleteVery good information and appreciated the honesty of the profession.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment & Cheers!
DeleteHi! I think I got caught in the spam comment cleanout, so I'm emailed you instead. Also, thank you for another excellent post as a long-time fan and reader.
ReplyDeleteSorry about that! SPAM is a constant battle! Got your email, very intrigued. Love your content, too!