Summer Reading 2018
I can't believe it's that time of year again! Time to share our Summer Reading List with you.
View & Download the Middle School Summer Reading List Slideshare PDF or the original PDF (please forgive their use of Comic Sans, they know not what they do! See my shameful confession at the very end if you're curious)
Here's my PDF without Comic Sans - you can Download it on Slideshare.
Thanks to two of our HCPSS Middle School Librarians @hcpsslibmed and our A+ partner @HoCo_Library Librarians who have joined together to create this Super Fun Reading List for all the kiddos in our district! (or the world!)
Recommended Summer Reading Lists for the Whole Family!

Middle School
High School
Black Eyed Susan Nominees
We're honored!
We were so thrilled & honored to be mentioned in #10 suggestion by The Edublogger in the recent article: 10 End Of Year Blogging Activities
Your Turn!
What books do you have on your summer reading list? For both young adult (kiddos) and grownups?
Hit me up on Twitter or in the comments! I always love hearing from you. Thank you for reading, friends! Have a great summer! We still have 2 weeks left of school....doh. Darn snow.
End of Post Confession Time
I have issues. I admit it. I saw that the official PDF had Comic Sans
on it and I had to cover it up. The ironic thing, is that I wanted to be
on this committee this year (I've done it before) I was invited to be but our testing
schedule & an unexpected Admin long term absence made me feel like I
was needed back at the ranch. But here I go & use PicMonkey to
match a font for every category and save it as a combined jpeg. I'm
telling you, it's a sickness! I'm not proud! Srsly, and if by doing this I hurt someone's feelings I'm so sorry! It's really a compulsion, I swear.
But I HATE COMIC SANS!!!! Full stop.
Anyway, take, use, share!
Resources: Header graphic from Raw Pixel (LOVE THEM!) Download FREE Stock photos & adapt them & use in your library on your blog or newsletters! Here's my Referral LINK to join for FREE!
Resources: Header graphic from Raw Pixel (LOVE THEM!) Download FREE Stock photos & adapt them & use in your library on your blog or newsletters! Here's my Referral LINK to join for FREE!
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