5 Fab Ways to Animate Your EduLife!
This article was published in NEA Today Magazine - pages 18-20 - and also posted on the NEA Today Website 5 Fab Ways to Animate Your EduLife! Begin Bitmoji Savvy Signage Fresh Feedback Social Sharing Cool Communication Have you fallen in love with Bitmoji yet? This fun FREE app has been around for a few years and now can be easily used to transform and animate your professional life and classroom. For those new to this app, Bitmoji is an emoji or avatar that you can customize to look just like you (or in my case a younger skinnier version of me!) which is then automatically inserted into all kinds of colorful cartoons. You can use Bitmoji stickers as your Twitter avatar, on Snapchat stories, within Seesaw and Google Apps for Education, rubrics, within Gmail, on your blog, or for classroom or library signage. It’s also a fun way to add spice to you texting life with friends and family -- and there are at least four fab ways you ...