Spot it! Gamification For The Win

Don't want to put a lot of money into a Makerspace for your Library or Classroom? Why not build a gaming tote?

Spot It!
In the picture at the very top you can see the games I got for my Daring School Library Media Center and the kiddos love it! This set would cost about $80 bucks without the tote.  The whole list is below, but featured is Spot It, hipster in my avatar hand at left, and Basic English for my ESOL (English as a Second Language) kiddos.  

But you can also adapt the rules, and say that the kids can grab both cards, and THEN say the matching pictures or point to them. OR you can go over each of the pictures before the game and agree on what the pictures are called. Some of my kiddos didn't know what a few of the things are - great teachable moment on vocabulary! 

Tote It! 
I had an old tote that I covered with pretty pattered duct tape & a
laminated sign. I keep the tote behind the circ desk and kids can come up and request it, play the games, and then return it.  During busy recess days, I just put the whole game tote on a round library media table and kiddos help themselves. But I DO make sure they clean up after themselves, good manners expected ALWAYS! Be warned though, the Spot-It game can get a bit rowdy and LOUD. But it's a GOOD loud! It's a loud that makes me happy!

Here's an Amazon Shopping List of what we ordered.
Spot It
Spot it! Hip Card Game
Spot It! Basic English
Happy Salmon Game
Zombie Fluxx
Fluxx (Special Edition)
Small Utility Shower Caddy Tote - Blue
The kids have also asked for a regular deck of cards, but I kinda worried about poker and said no Texas Hold'em....I also have had requests for UNO.  I'll try and get those over the summer or first thing next year!
Your turn!
What kind of games do you have in your school library or classroom? What should I get next? I kinda worry about board games that I foresee cleaning up after and the headache of missing or stray pieces. Is that a problem for you? 

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Gaming, Zombies, & Education for the Win!

( Gee whiz, I guess I really like the "for the win" phrase, don't I? I've been using it since early interweb think mudds - yeah, I'm old & nerdy)  

Makerspace Starter Kit

Questions About Coloring & Makerspace

The Way of the Lego

The Zen of Coloring

and from my friend from Perth, Australia

Makerspace Starter Kit | The Bookmarking Librarian



  1. We have UNO and checkers along with chess since our school's chess club rules and spread like fever years ago. We did have Connect 4 but the combination of a falling chips and our nice tabletops drove everyone nuts with the constant noise! We've added Candyland and crafty not game-y-- origami paper and friendship bracelet materials.

    1. Thanks so much Alicia for your comment! Yeah, I've had the game Connect Four "visit" us before and was happy to see it go home...too much noise! I don't mind fun, active, engaged, kid noise but clickety clackety noise is annoying! LOL Cheers! ~Gwyneth

  2. No games at my school, because I don't have a school buuuuuut I really like games I wlll suggest:
    Card Games:
    Sushi Go, PIT (if you don't mind the loud), and there is an Adventure Time reskin of Love Letter. I actually don't like love letter, but everyone else does.
    Other Games:
    I have been hearing a lot of good things about Kingdomino too. Tsuro is a tile-laying game that accommodates 2-8 players.

  3. I recently bought Quatro and Katamino by Gigamic and and a Keva Maker Bot Maze. The kids at my elementary school love them. I was just reading about the Keva construction and contraption planks, and I really want to get some of those too!

    I also want to incorporate some of the classic games too - like checkers, etc. There are skills to learn from these games!

    Love the post and your kit!

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Kristina! Since you put your Twitter name down, I made sure to follow you! LOVE your gaming suggestions and the things that you are doing in YOUR school!

  4. My wife is a teacher. I applaud everything you guys do.


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