FETC, Flocabulary, & FREE RAW Pixels
Welcome back dear readers! And welcome to any who are here for the first time, I'm so glad you're here! I've got exciting news!
I'm super thrilled and honored to have been invited to be a Featured Speaker at this year's Future of Education Technology Conference! (OR #FETC!) I have a very busy schedule, speaking for 7+ hours with four presentations starting at 8am and finishing at 7:30 pm! Whew!
I know, just like Elaine on Seinfeld I use WAY too many exclamation points. Sorry, that's kinda my jam.

On My Presenting Style
& Teaching Philosophy
& Teaching Philosophy
But you'll have to see me in person for my unique (and humble!) brand of immature middle school humour, & corny jokes, amusing anecdotes, and bonus Ed Tech tips in person! Although I do have a graphic version of my professional mission statement, in words here it is.
My style of presenting and teaching (as you may have noticed on this blog) is daring innovation mixed with a fearless attitude of positivity and passion. All put forward with the idea that you don't have to try them ALL right now (new tech toy or teaching innovation) no one can!
Oh, and you don't have to Marry IT! Just pick one thing & give it a whirl. You'll never get any guilt trips from me! Just lots of options, lesson ideas, free printables, graphics, posters, and practical suggestions for implementation into any classroom, subject area, or school library. And FUN. It's always gotta be fun!

including dear friend the Digital Diva herself, Joquetta Johnson and new MC Educator friend Allison Schalk.

Speaking about arresting images, one of my favorite new things is:

(Psst. It's FREE but the Royale features are SO worth the extra $!)
When it comes to Images: Always Respect the photo license, give attribution, & enjoy the gorgeous my friends!
Special Thanks to:

More later, I gotta now drive through the fog back home & start packing for FETC! Flip flops...are gonna be a must for Orlando!
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