
Showing posts from September, 2015

Be a Daring Defender, Part 2

Last time I blogged about Change, Innovation, and Tenacity and this time I want to finish this discussion by tackling Positivity and Collaboration.  Among my friends I've sometimes been accused of being a bit of a Polyanna who chooses to be happy. I think that's because I truly believe that ....Happiness is a Choice or that Stay Positive by Staying Out  of The Teacher's Lounge! And some days, it's an EFFORT! LOL I'm going into MAP testing season tomorrow, so I'll be having my waitress smile on most of the day. Yes, I was a waitress in my 20's when I needed 2 jobs to live in Downtown of the best experiences of my life!  Taught me how to fake it, till you make it, stay positive, let things roll off my back, and keep smiling. (Even when inside I sometimes wanna let the expletives fly!)  All great training to be a middle school teacher! Don't Be a Funpire! Anyway, in my 23+ years of teaching I have noticed that sometimes the e...

Be a Daring Defender, Part 1

Hey gang! It's the beginning of a new school year, so let's put into perspective why we're here. Why we do what we do. And even when you may be testing 89 days out of 180 - there will always be time to do some really great things for our kiddos. Even one or two lessons of AWESOME can change a life, mind, and outlook of a reluctant learner (or fellow teacher!) And gee, I think this post will have to be in 2 parts and please bear with my conversational tone which is high overdrive today. This is a blog not a novel.  Change & Innovation So embrace some change in your school or classroom. Try something NEW this year! Even if it scares you. Especially if it scares you! I'm in my Danielson evaluation year this year & am quietly freaking out over wanting to do a GREAT job in my observations. I really haven't been observed formally in YEARS!---- Try something new, and if you don't like it, you don't have to keep doing it! I know, I know... I ...

Flocabulary: Hip-Hop Learning That is Out of this World!

  Longtime Flocabulary Fangirl I've been a Flocabulary & Week in Rap fangirl since they came on the scene and have blogged about them back in 2009 and 2011 ...and they just keep getting better!  Every week, sites, companies, and startups email me trying to get me to blog about their product - and while that's really flattering, this blog can't be bought!  My street cred is important to me! I only blog about sites and products I truly LOVE....and though I've was given a Flocabulary T-shirt once, they're not paying for this!  Flocabulary is Hip Hop Learning that is Out of this World! What's new?  Week in Rap, Jr! Now...just for the little K-5 Kiddos, there's a weekly news Rap-up (get it!?) for the small fries! Appropriate, timely, and educational - get the news in a super engaging way for the younger crowd. Week in Rap, OG - for the Middle to High School students is still rocking and is now year round!  Play the video embeeded belo...