School Librarians Rocking it Hard Every Day!
Advocacy is always important. Advocacy for kiddos, teens, literature, creativity, giftedness, special

In our profession, being an advocate for your kids, your library, your program, and yes...for YOURSELF is ESSENTIAL!
I Nominate YOU to Nominate Yourself!
You can and you should nominate yourself for this award. The first education honor or award I got was the

If you win this one, you would be the first one to get it! That alone is super coolness! You can also ask a friend or an administrator to join in.
You're rocking it HARD every day!
Be confident, be proud, be excited! You're rocking it HARD every day! You're helping teachers, teaching kids, connecting with the community, tech trouble shooting, cleaning LCD projector filters, laminating, standardized testing administering, building a library collection, weeding, and book talkin! You're going to do this for us....for our and your profession! You're going to share the cool things you do every day with your awesome kiddos - you're promoting your school, your district, and your state! Oh and you can also get some cash money $$ & cool swag, too! Holla!
Do Not Humble Yourself Out of a Job!
This is not the time to blush, turn away, and mumble - "Oh my word! I couldn't possibly! People would think I'm bragging!" -- women have been doing that for way too long! Do you think men worry about that? When you're an outstanding, significant, committed educator and change agent - you need share and celebrate that! It also says to the kiddos that what we do matters and we are proud of who we are and our profession. That's being a good role model.
I Judge You to be Fabulous!
I am honored to say that I was asked to be a judge on the panel for this first ever award. (And if I hadn't been you know this girl woulda been going for it for myself, what!? LOL) Our PLN rocks it hard and I want to see your name! I want to shout about your awesomeness! I want to be YOUR cheerleader!
Apply for this NOW!
Key dates:
- Nominations open: April 1
- Nominations close: May 23
- Judging: June
- Final decision: July 1
- Winners profiled in SLJ: September
Kathy Ishizuka: or @kishizuka
I hope this blog post comes across as passionate, encouraging, and supportive! Don't get me started on the Bossy word, grrrl!
Oh and sorry, as a judge I can't write these letters myself, you gotta go ask someone in your school or district.
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