Who Needs a Librarian When You Have Google?

This just popped out of my mouth when I was doing the question & answer portion of my keynote last week at the AISL Baltimore conference. And I like it! What do you think?

Librarians are the Key 
to Information Mastery!

There's a lot of talk out there that it's the end of librarianship because of Google and the Interwebs.  I know other states getting rid of their school librarians - but I gotta say Nay, Nay! Let us not give up the good fight!
things are seemingly dire and bleak for our profession, what with California &

Now, is when the world needs librarians the most! With SO much information out there who else better than a librarian to decode it, curate it, interpret it, organize it, authenticate it, and integrate it?

Who else but the librarian is going to teach attribution and Creative Commons? Who else but the librarian is going to be able to filter through millions of research results, then curate and create a playlist of amazing resources in just a few minutes for the eager student? We are vital and we are valuable! Now let's go out there, steup up our game, and & spread the word!
[drops microphone & steps off soap box -- for the nonce]

Oh and the main graphic above I created with PicMonkey using a lovely background by Valeriana Solaris and is Creative Commons (of course!) Take, Use, Share
The AISL Baltimore conference kicked off on the beautiful campus of the St. Paul's School in Brooklandville MD.  I was honored to be presenting with my sister from another mister, the Digital Diva herself - with our entourage & manager extraordinaire .  I gave my updated 10 Ways a Librarian Can be a Marketing Genius Like Lady Gaga preso which meshed very well with Joquetta's Passion for the Profession preso.
Good times!

 AISLBalt2013 on PhotoPeach
Thanks to everyone who made my Baltimore tour of education conferences AWESOME! At the MSET & Common Ground conference at the Baltimore Convention Center #CGMD13 where we were trending #2 on Twitter I got to re-connect with my Maryland peeps & tweeps!
  LOVING the super fun, informative, & connecting Digital Sandbox we ran as a team where we had deep conversations, PLN building and a Learning Tools Smackdown (though sadly greatly hindered by the craptastic wireless at the conference - don't get me started on THAT!),
I'm also supporting my dear friend for MSET President, if you're a member of MSET please vote!
(AWESOME graphic by Matthew Winner!)  
Librarians: What do you think we should focus on to preserve our professions?
What was your best conference experience?
Your comments are always welcome & eagerly received!

Libraries of the Future
A Nation Without School Libraries - the Map
A Nation Without School Libraries -The Bob Edwards Show


  1. I am so tired of librarians being considered as unnecessary when cuts need to be made. Ten years ago every school in our area had a librarian for the district and some had one in each building. Fast forward to today and there is only one school with a librarian that has not been moved into the classroom. Who is teaching our kids to be information literate? Who is ensuring that new, relevant materials are being purchased?

    1. Thank you for your comment! I totally agree! It's disheartening at what is going on in our profession. That's why we need to be proactive and visible! We need to be OUT THERE & blog (no huge guilt trip but you know...1 post only?) The more visible we are the less vulnerable we will be!

  2. Two years ago my district cut the technology facilitators and the librarians. We went from a group of about 50, to half that and became "Instructional Media Specialists". That means that a good number of us in the library are not certified librarians. (I'm one of them.) In addition, we each serve two campuses, attempting to do all of the things that come with running a library and helping to integrate technology with the teachers as well - twice! I love the position, but trying to do it and do it well in two places is a tall order.


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