Everyone Likes a Smackdown!

Please join us Monday, December 3rd at 8PM Eastern, TL Virtual Café hosts our 2nd annual FREE EduTech Smackdown/Open Mic night webinar.  Please plan on visiting or participating!

"You don’t have to be a librarian to play!  We welcome classroom teachers, tech directors, administrators, enthusiastic partners of every persuasion! It's  more fun when we can learn from each other!"

Joyce will be sharing her trend list and some of her favorite discoveries and so will several good friends. 

The event will be ably moderated by yours truly and the lovely & talented  Tiffany Whitehead, aka The Mighty Little Librarian.

We highly encourage moving beyond listening to sharing!

"If you’d like to take the microphone with your own exciting discoveries of the year, please grab a slide/slides and add to our crowd-souced presentation/book in advance. Share your best recommendations for tips, resources, etc. and help us build an interactive resource book."

You can also create a slide & just share visually if you're microphone-phobic - we won't press ya! If you do wish to speak, having a microphone & headphones set will improve your sound quality by 97% (Ok, I can't back that with Science!)

Participant Link for December 3rd at 8PM.

And don’t forget to vote in the Twitter poll for your preferred topic for #TLChat Live!, coming up on December 10th at 8PM. 

The above post was inspired shamelessly cribbed by a post from Dr. Joyce Valenza's Award Winning blog The Neverending Search

Heh heh... I'm home sick on antibiotics w/ a pesky upper respiratory infection so yeah...it's taking shortcuts & drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea with honey I am! Cheers dears!


  1. My Smackdown page http://cybraryman.com/smackdown.html wants to add a link to your EduTech Smackdown

    1. Oh Jerry, you rock! And your shameless self promotion of your webpage knows no bounds!;-) LOVE IT! We would be honored to be listed on your esteemed webpage!

  2. Wah! I can't be there. :( So want to. Nothing better than a good tech smackdown, especially with you awesome folks! If for some reason someone near and dear to me decides he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday ON his birthday, then I'll be there - with bells on. Well, maybe not so much with the bells.......

    (feel better!)

    1. We will so miss you! But, no worries, dear! Celebrate your dear one's B-day & watch the archive later! Cheers!


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