I Want YOU! Free, Virtual, & Global
The Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference - October 3 - 5
"The virtual Library 2.012 conference is a unique chance to participate in a global conversation on the current and future state of libraries. Held worldwide over the course of two days, with 150 sessions and 10 keynotes, subject strands include physical and virtual learning spaces, evolving professional roles in today's world, organizing and creating information, changing delivery methods, user-centered access, and mobile and geo-social information environments. Attendance is free; sign up at Library 2012 to attend or to be kept informed." -- from the #Lib20102 site!
The beauty of a global virtual FREE series of conferences? You pick your time, your expert, your topic, put on your bunny slippers, & soak in the learning and become a leader in your district!
Why do we need to do all this extra stuff?
Well.... I'm gonna quote the great Joyce Valenza's inspiring blog post "The Year to Be Fierce" here....
Train Thyself: "The stuff we are working with is pretty new. No expert is going to visit your school and tell you how to be a TL in the future. So, don’t wait till the big expert comes to town with the most convenient workshop. Fierce librarians cannot wait for the annual conference. Visit any conference that interests you via webcast. Grab a Badge and Join the Geek Tribe. Visit and lead at our TL Cafe and TL Ning and check out the fierce events hosted by the ISTE SIG_MS Wiki on a regular basis. Follow the #tlchat hashtag on Twitter. Check the TL Chat Daily. Read a few key bloggers. Add you work to the list. Find someone else–someone perhaps, who is even more fierce–who wants to learn, who may know a little more and train each other. Seek the training you need and learn it yourself. And this is related to another new rule. . ."
You Can’t Punch This Clock: "I can’t even imagine being granted prep or workshop time to learn all I know I need to learn, as well as what I don’t even know I need to learn. No one can really fully teach you how to integrate wikis or other collaborative writing tools in YOUR classroom, for YOUR learners. You cannot learn what you need to know about digital storytelling in a one-hour workshop. You’ve got to expect to invest the time it takes on your own time. Folks who expect release time will absolutely miss the fierceness bus."
The Library Worldwide Virtual Conference*** is a great opportunity to put the future of libraries in our own hands, in our own time zones, in our own homes! FREE!
Follow the hashtag #Lib2012
I'm presenting one of my favourite keynotes, and a SlideShare blockbuster (nearly 100,00 views! WTHeck!?),
Transparency is the New Black! Thursday, 7pm EASTERN time zone.
Speaking of the TL Virtual Cafe! The presentation tomorrow night promises to be A - wait for it - Mazing!
Your Common Core Secret Weapon
with the Librarians in the Middle!
Your Common Core Secret Weapon Wikipage
Participant Link
Monday October 1st - 8pm Eastern US
Starring: Tamara Cox, Kristen Hearne AND Monique German
***Though, I'd be lying if I didn't disclose that I'm a little disappointed that there are no school based librarians on the keynote slate (heck, I woulda said YES! LOL) Hopefully next year!
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