I have great friends! Even people I don't get to see all the time or have met only once - I'm richer for having known them! My PLN is the same - richer for (virtually) knowing them... Sarah Koski, a bright, bubbly member of our ISTE staff from our Eugene OR ISTE office - even though she's working hard on the upcoming ISTE conference sent me this from The Daily Good - a really cool site with quirky (love!) news items that is of course blocked in my district! "So you want to read James Joyce's famously impenetrable modernist masterpiece Ulysses, but you can't seem to take your eyes off the Internet? We've got the solution to your problems. This year, for Bloomsday, an annual celebration of Joyce and Ulysses, there's an effort underway to recast the novel and publish it in its entirety in a series of tweets. The experiment, called "Ulysses Meets Twitter 2011," will use volunteers, who will each take a section of the book (it's been divided into 96 parts), and distill it into four to six tweets that will go out on the @11ysses account. In this way, the entire book, or a crowd-interpreted version of it, will be broadcast, 140 characters at a time, on June 16, starting at 8:00 a.m. Dublin time. (of course!) It looked like the "Ulysses Meets Twitter 2011" organizers were struggling to find enough volunteers to pull it off. A recent publicity blitz, including a post in The New York Times, may have solved that problem, but there are still a few days to get involved if you want." Here's how. Oh and Eyepatch Optional! Thanks Sarah!!! Classroom Classic Connections! Now think of the classroom implications of this!Think of how cool this would be for students to take chapters...or parts of chapters of ponderous novels and using the Character Counter I talked about a few weeks ago, boil down classroom or classics for other students!
Write your Review in FRONT OF the URL & Emoticon Cut out words that are unnecessary - re-word, re-think, re-write, re-mix, & be creative! Hints: use "&" rather than the word AND, dashes as breaks, but try NOT to write in leet speak. Like "4sqore &7yrs ago" OR.....should We? Hmmmm That's a conversation for you and your teacher!
Makerspace for Little or Nothing You don't have to spend thousands of dollars to start a Makerspace area. You don't have to have a designated room or rip out bookcases. You can even have a Makerspace on a cart! When we have testing in our Library, I put all our Makerspace stuff on an AV cart and roll it into our server room. This post evolved from a previous post called Makerspace Starter Kit Updated where I had some of these idea, but I felt that it deserved it's own expanded post. You can take baby steps into the Maker Movement. I've been saying that for 7 years or so....long before I blogged about it, I tried it out. Yeah, sometimes I try things on the sly to see if they are blogworthy for you! Now....having said that..... WARNING: Controversial Opinion Ahead. I'm not 100% sold, even after 7 years of talking about the Maker Movement, that it's something that's here to stay and not just a fad. Even though I've (without knowing it!)...
Three years ago I shared my Makerspace Starter Kit with you or what I was buying to boost our Makerspace area using four empty Library study carrels that no longer held desktop Macs. That post has consistently been one of the most viewed posts every week for years and years - with more than 83 THOUSAND views, gee whiz! (Crazy, right?) So, I thought maybe it was time to update it!* Since then, I've had some major Makerspace successes and a couple dismal (and expensive) Makerspace failures! So, here's the latest for ya'll with the good, the bad, and the bloody awful! Our MHMS Makerspace How it works: Kids can come in before the 1st period late bell rings, during lunch, or when they've finished their work in class to explore, craft, and create in the Library Media Center. It's not a "class" or an organized offering. It's a free form optional offering of constructivist learning and creativity! It's not as big as some and it hasn't tak...
Sweet Tweets About Good Reads Here's an idea for a fun tech-social-media infused creative writing lesson and one I'll be sure to mention when I'm guest hosting the Twitter #EngChat event May 23rd at 7pm EST . The topic will be The Power of the Product and I'll be hosting with amazing MHMS co-worker Elizabeth Singleton ( @emsingleton ). This conversation will consist of viable, creative, meaningful, and daring products that demonstrate information mastery, go beyond the regular research report and span the digital divide. On this second blog posting in one day (assuredly a first!) I must give a very special thank you to reading specialist & MHMS co-worker Deb Burkey! You inspired & gave me this idea during our conversation the other day talking about the Fakebook lesson. YAY, you rock! The text is written as directions to students. Writing a short, concise, quality book review is a challenge! Using the Twitter style, create a short book review that hint...
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