Jersey Shore Gone Wilde
& Mashterpiece Theatre
Since Blogger has banned in my district...and I've had to move my school blog (no, not this one dear reader) I now somehow feel more free to push the envelope as it were... with snarkdom & questionable language to illustrate brilliant satire!
I will show episode one....and five.
For those in between please do journey to The YouTubes for the whole short series. Not to be undone...dear Cecily has created - Mashertpiece Theatre
Remember, these are the actual do not throw an askance glance at Cecily for the words did spout from Snooki's mouth!
So what do you think? Want more? Well Cecily & friends have created several...and all just amusingly inapropriate! Another series that dear Cecily has created is a Mashterpiece Theatre version of Saved by the Bell! Alice G dear....that one was for you!
And lest you think the brain trusts that are the original Jersey Shore cast can't reach for that brass ring of thrilling thespianship. I give you this!
The REAL Situation (Feat. MTV Jersey Shore's The Situation, Snooki, and Pauly D) - watch more funny videos
a big thanks to my dear friend from my Steampunk Second Life in New Babbage Viv Trafalgar for pointing me in this amusing direction. TA!
Quote from Gothamist
Inspiration from Alice G, Leila C, fondue, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock, Doctor Who & the brilliant time at our fortage slumber party last night! Thank you dear Jeff for your patience!
HILARIOUS...although my husband found it disturbing that I had to pause Mob Wives to watch these videos. Yes, we can say pop culture obsessed :)