I Want to Thank the Academy & Library Journal!

Honestly, last Monday I was stunned. Mouth unbelievingly agape, eyes wide & blinking, and

So, being quite stunned, and unusually speechless, I really pondered all this past week whether or not it would look like shameless self-promotion or gratitude to blog my thanks. Being thankful won. I felt squirmy... happy...but squirmy.
Of course I called my

Gratitude is Good & Pay it forward. For fear of sounding very Californian & New-Agey I do

I want to thank my peeps, my tweeps and my amazing worldwide PLN! I've been touched by so many amazing educators in the past several years - I can't list them all here because I'd be crushed if I left anyone out - but you

With her permission I'm going to re-post her excellent list of all the Movers & Shakers below...plus - you can also subscribe to all the blogs in one click! Thanks to the Google Reader bundle from Micah Vandegrift!
Congratulations to everyone!
- Joanna Axelrod @escolibrary; so-calconnection.blogspot.com
- Jason Casden
- Alison Circle @alisoncircle; blog.libraryjournal.com/bubbleroom
- Tracy Crawford
- Ryan Deschamps @ryandeschamps; otherlibrarian.wordpress.com
- Jim Duncan @duncanjcde; www.coloradolibraries.org
- Ellen Forsyth
- Nancy Fredericks
- Chad Haefele – @hiddenpeanuts; www.hiddenpeanuts.com
- Rogan Hambry
- Buffy Hamilton @buffyjhamilton; theunquietlibrarian.wordpress.com
- Jamie Hammond @jaimebc; movablelibrary.wordpress.com
- Richard Hasenyager www.info-ric.com
- Heather Holmes @LaMedBoheme73
- Gwyneth Jones @gwynethjones; www.thedaringlibrarian.com (me!)
- Emily King @emilykingatunc
- Meg Knodl – Twitter
- Deb Noggle esmesbookshelf.blogspot.com
- Kim Leeder @kimll; IntheLibrarywiththeLeadPipe.org
- Rosalind K. Lett @RosLett
- Erin Meyer library.du.edu/penrosepen;library.du.edu/goodanswers
- Anthony Molaro @infoactivist; librariesandtransliteracy.wordpress.com; informationactivist.com
- Eli Neiburger @ulotrichous; ulo.tricho.us
- Bobbi Newman
- Angela Nolet
- Deb Noogle
- John Palfrey @jpalfrey; blogs.law.harvard.edu/palfrey
- Bill Pardue
- Jennifer Peterson @WebJunction; blog.webjunctionworks.org
- Sue Polanka @spolanka; No Shelf Required® www.libraries.wright.edu/noshelfrequired
- Ned Potter @theREALwikiman; thewikiman.org
- Rebecca Renard
- Joseph Sanchez www.thebookmyfriend.com
- Michael Santangelo @mpsanta
- John Schumacher @MrSchuReads; mrschureads.blogspot.com; twolibrariesonevoice.blogspot.com
- Bob Sisson
- Lauren Smith @walkyouhome; laurensmith.wordpress.com
- Paul Smith @redpunker; www.kclibrary.org/blogs
- Judy Sparzo
- Sarah Steiner
- Aaron Tay @aarontay; musingsaboutlibrarianship.blogspot.com
- Tina Thomas @epldotca
- Cindi Trainor @cindi; www.alatechsource.org/blogger/19; citegeist.com
- Jennifer Velasquez @210teenlibrary; 210teenlibrary.wordpress.com
- Diane Walden
- Aspen Walker @AspenWalker; SaveLibraries.org; myliberary.blogspot.com
- Donna Walker @donnarwalker
- John Watts @KimbelLibrary; kimbellibrary.blogspot.com
- Paula Webb
- Jennifer Wright @jenwpa
- Courtney Young @librarycourtney; librarycourtney.blogspot.com

Congratulations, Gwyneth!!! You deserve it!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad. You've done a lot of beautiful work! Well deserved.
ReplyDeleteAlias, Renlibrarian@twitter
Thank you Michelle! I was so happy to add you to my PLN at the CASL conference! You rock!
Hi Tess - Or Thank you so much Renlibrarian@twitter! Funny, how I know so many people from their Twitter handles! Did you see the Twitter necklace? I blogged about it a month or so ago! Cheers!
Congrats again! Thank you for your kind words about my vid... :)