ISTE Unveils 2 New Sites and a Sweet APP!

I'd been presenting every year at my state affiliate MICCA now MSET since 1996 but had never had the $ or the gumption to go to the "big show until 2007...when I finally decided that saving all year for the conference was the best investment in my professional growth...and yeah, I think it has worked out pretty well! [grin]
A brand NEW re-vamped website....with all kinds of great new features! Live! Chat with ISTE Oregon Staff (who, by the way, are AWEsome!) AND you know what else?
From their newly re-designed site:

"Have an iPhone? Download ISTE’s new iPhone application by clicking here or searching for “ISTE Mobile” in the iTunes App Store. Have another Web-ready smart phone? Visit to surf our mobile Web version. Network with fellow ISTE members and get up-to-the minute news, blog posts, and educator resources."
Download the ApplicationAre You an ISTE Learner?

• An active contributor to a professional learning community that focuses on the power of educational technology
• An engaged educator passionate about teaching, learning and leading with educational technology
• An advocate for the ubiquitous use of the NETS as a vehicle for students, teachers and administrators to obtain 21st century skills
Become an ISTE Learner to
• Engage in conversations about the application of educational technology
• Learn and share innovative approaches to building digital-age skills
• Gain access to experts and peers from around the world
It’s easy and free to become an ISTE Learner. Sign up today! ISTE - Search for the Future of Ed Tech by gwyneth
So if you haven't joined ISTE....or don't know about ISTE... I encourage you to check it out!
And thanks those of you who voted for me to be on the ISTE board... I really am passionate about serving you & the PK-12 teachers of the world! Leave a comment if you have a suggestion or an idea! YAY!
ISTE - NECC 07 Photos by ME!!
Other photos from - Thank you!
ISTE Unveils 2 New Sites and a Sweet APP!
That is a great animation (although why was the final guide headless?) and I am heading right on over to check out the app and the ISTE Learning area! :)