EduTecher's Help Change the World,
Free Rice, and Zombies!

NomNom Addictive FREE Rice!
What is you may ask? Easy addictive educational vocabulary game that kids get a kick out of after they finish their work in the computer lab ......OR
It's a non-profit website that donates 10 grains of rice for every answer right they get to the World Food Programme (and they're legit!). Their partner is the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.
FreeRice has two goals:
- Provide education to everyone for free.
- Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

Occasionally I will get unsolicited email me to blog about a certain product or site. Now, being the lazy languorous piratical lady that I am you would think I would jump on such fodder. But no, dear reader! I am also oppositional defiant & take my blogging responsibilities seriously. But then sometimes the stuff I get is pretty interesting and cool and after due investigation - it's worth a mention.

This delightfully cerebral (heh heh, get it? Brains!?) and messy calendar is brought to you by the "South Australian Library & Information Network (SALIN) Committee. We're a grass-roots, unaffiliated group which

Now being a Zombie fan and having a very well-thought out and prepared Zombie Emergency Plan (and also the proud owner of both the Zombie Survival Handbook & World War Z) I just couldn't help but snicker at this bloody great calendar!
Love those Australians! ....Hey! Someone invite me to speak over there...I'd love to visit and see your lovely country! I'm sure some of my Welsh ancestors can be traced there, for reals! /shamelessselfpromotion
edutecher, freerice, zombies, SALIN, South Australian Library & Information Network
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