Still Think Social Media is a FAD?

Watch this video and I think you'll change your mind!

In 2007 I blogged on my MHMS Media blog about the amazing video "Did You Know" by Karl Fisch and Scott Mc Leod -- then last year '09 I posted the updated version to my community. And as we watch the phenom of Social Media and the newly coined Socialnomics the video above..... AND WOW! This has rocked my world - ALMOST as much as the Did You Know vid did in 2007~ I am even thinking of featuring this new video during my MASL keynote!
"Social Media Revolution 2 is a refresh of the original video with new and updated social media & mobile statistics that are hard to ignore. Based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman."

Btw, ROI means Return on Investment. What it means for us is how much we invest in our web presence and PLN will directly relate to what we get in return for our kids, school & the community - in other words - connecting with our kids!
Of course, the most important ROI is teaching. Full stop. Our kids are our most important investment - with or without Facebook & Twitter - let's NEVER forget that...but why not be as approachable TO our kids by using the networks they use every day?

A great review of the book on TopRankBlog: Socialnomics by Erik Qualman breaks down the chapter and is worth the read. Insert "Library, School or District" for the word Company and you'll get an idea of why this is so vital right now.

"Obama’s Success Driven by Social Media – Great breakdown of the Obama campaign’s use of social tools like video and what companies can learn from it." - Lee Odden

You can get the Socialnomics book on Amazon, visit Erik’s blog here or connect with him on Twitter @equalman.

I'm going to get this book for our professional collection. I think we have a lot to learn from it.

ISTE has also just published a similar book:

From Fear to Facebook: One School's Journey. by Matthew Levinson

[Cover]"From Fear to Facebook is an insider's view of the journey from peril to possibility with digital media in school communities. Matt Levinson gives a clear picture of how communities need to work together to create safe, innovative opportunities for kids to learn with digital media.
Jim Steyer, CEO and Founder, Common Sense Media
$19.55 ($27.95 nonmembers)

I want this book, too! I'm fascinated by this.... but I really need to reiterate, Social Media, the interwebs, the YouTubes & the latest tech toys are an ENHANCEMENT to my Library Media program... nothing beats straight forward teaching kids and yes.... BOOKS! /rant

Photo credits:
Book in hand
Erik Qualman's photo from his Flickr
ISTE books by ISTE!


  1. Excellent post Gwyneth and cool videos! Not to mention Social Networking has created an entirely new form of collaboration across multiple professions never seen before unrestricted by location/distance. It’s certainly not a fad! It’s here to stay!


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