SLJ: Librarian and Steampunk
Fan Set to Rock ISTE

WOW! Thank you Lauren Barak & School Library Journal for the lovely article -(update: that doesn't work anymore! Doh!)  pinch me!
I hope my principal Mr. Donyall Dickey doesn't get irked by the last line...but I'm ready to help him set up his blog.....when he's ready! He's a great Admin, very supportive & inspiring, and has a lot to share! He also wrote a book! "The Integrated Approach to Student Achievement: A results-driven model for improving performance, leadership, and the culture of instruction at your school"
I would love to inspire all Admins to share more with the community in an ongoing conversation their hopes, dreams, & plans for their kids! No need to have JUST a newsletter home - an Admin can have an online relationship and inspire the world!

A great list of Admin blogs can be found in this excellent blog post by Mrs. Smoke called Educational Blogs You Should Be Investigating

And yes, dear readers...I did admit in the interview that I was "obnoxious!" I wonder what my Mom is going to say about *that!* LOL (I swear I DO *try* & filter!) - but I'm very happy to have been able to "represent" teacher librarians, MHMS, HCPSS, Maryland, MSET, ISTE, & the Steampunk aesthetic! Oh and middle school goofballs everywhere!

I do want to ROCK the ISTE Board of Directors...In a *GOOD* way! [grins]

I'm flattered & humbled by dear friend Andrea Christman quoting:
"One of my favorite lines, “We call libraries the laboratories for lifelong learning and no one represents that better than Gwyneth.” Don Knezek (ISTE CEO) gets it! I totally don’t think your principal will mind the last sentence. You didn’t make a specific comment about YOUR principal, just principals in general. AND IT’S TRUE! Maybe your principal will ask you what blogging is and let you mentor them in that reflective piece of their practice! You can show them one of Eric Sheninger’s recent blog post on “Why Blog? or Peter Pappas’ Jan. 2010 post on the “Reflective Principal
I was also humbled & flattered by these Twitter RT's
brightideasblog RT @AuntyTech: “If a TL doesn’t have a strong Web presence, she’s doing her students and herself an incredible disservice” - @gwynethjones

For those of you who have stumbled across this blog via the SLJ article, HI! Welcome! Please follow me on Twitter & tweet me so I can follow you back by adding @gwynethjones in your tweet - I can't wait to add you to my PLN and get to know & learn from you!

Let me know what you think of the article :-)

And OMG! So to happily file under "when it rains, it pours!" I just found out this blog was named Blog-O'-The-Month by Scott Merrick, Oh Virtual Learning Blog & the Bloggers' Hut on ISTE Island in Second Life! What the WHAT!? Thank you so much, Scott!

Thank you Voters from Bloggers' Hut on ISTE Island! Here I am in SL at the Bloggers' Hut hut where you can sorta see my blog in the background all dressed up in my Victorian finery to thank the voters!  Visit there to vote for September's Nominations....details soon to be released!


  1. Please continue to rock the boat and rock on!

  2. Thank you dear friend - your support & friendship has made such a difference in my life this year - I am SO blessed!
    Loves ya!


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