Get Your FREE Second Life ISTE10 Nametag!
Recently in-world, I got this exciting msg from Louise Borgnine of ISTE Island:
"If you are attending the conference in Denver and would like a Second Life name tag with your avi pic on it, head on over to ISTE Island HQ and take a pic of yourself. Follow the directions on the board next to the photo booth!"
Here's the SLURL to the photobooth!
It is quite silly how much I enjoy dressing up my avatar...maybe I didn't get enough time playing with Barbie as a child~! LOL I have so much money invested in clothes in Second Life it's shameful. I blame Miss Eleanor Anderton!
Last year at NECC DC it was brilliant to go to the Virtual Environments playground to pick up my SL badge! I wasn't transparent yet, so I had a different Twitter name... this year i can be myself. Which is both a relief and a burden! LOL
Lisa Aconcel did such a lovely job creating them! And she's doing the same this year!
So run to the ISTE Island in-world, put on your best outfit and snap away!
Crop your screenshot and save it as a jpeg and send it with your Twitter account name to Lisa Aconcel to be picked up at the Virtual Environments playground in Denver!
Need Help with any of this? IM Louise Borgnine in world or email Terra Sieberman
AS Martha would say- Showing your love and participation in Second Life at ISTE: it's a good thing!
Want to join second life?
From the SIGMS Wiki:
If you are new to Second Life, set up an account to join us:
1. Go to the Second Life website at several days in advance to set up your free basic account.
2. Verify that your computer and connectivity meets the systems requirements at
3. Click on the orange “Get Started!” button. Go through the subsequent screens to create your avatar account.
4. Download and install the Second Life viewer software at
5. Open the software and log into Second Life using your avatar first name, last name, and password. Watch your avatar “be born”. Complete the orientation activities to learn about how to communicate, move, search, and edit your appearance.
6. When finished, search “Places” for locations such as the Community Virtual Library, ISTE, or the American Library Association. Teleport to a favorite location, explore, and become acquainted with Second Life. (When searching, make sure the “search mature places” square is checked.)
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