
Showing posts from June, 2010

ISTE Parties: Tweetups Rule!

So I just came home from the awesome ISTE Affiliate reception with my friend Brenda Anderson and her hubby...all the states represented baby! Maryland's own Dr. Judy Tomelden was there! I met a lot of awesome people..being on the ISTE board has been amazing and it's only been 3 days! I met the cool (and HOT!) guys from CUE...typical Cali guys - so good looking one was a hot ginger and another one looked like Nate Berkus ...Oh and thanks über cute & cool Mike Lawrence of CUE my other new board memberfor extra tickets! [wink] I met some AWEsome chicks from Wisconsin...newly elected affiliate executive board member (and adorable & smart Media Specialist!) Annette Smith and her Media Specialist friends! I also sat at the international table with ISTE Executive Committee At-large Member & International Representative from Australia Ralph Leonard and a lovely educator from England ...who asked me where all the parties are at ISTE and of course...there are a lot!... ...

The Power of the PLN:Kindred Tech Spirits

ISTE/TIE Leadership Bootcamp 2010 View more presentations from elemenous . I met Lucy Gray last night at the TIE/ISTE Leadership Bootcamp and she was just lovely!...and seeing this preso above it's like meeting another kindred tech spirit. (like our Geek Tribe family!) Must to give her a Geek Tribe ribbon! Now...i'll shut up and encourage you to scroll through that slideshare again....and then suggest that you send it to someone back at home who couldn't be at #lbc10, #ISTE10 or #ALA10. I'm gonna be singing this same song at the sold out ISTE10 SIGMS Learning Tools Smackdown Tuesday 10am - our topic Network Building with IMCguy Chad Lehman . You can get a sneak peek 0n our wikipage and the visual imagery of our smack here! i'm also thinking that this McCloud guy is a kindred spirit, too! See all the great thoughts and tweets from his Leadership Bootcam session and some of my thoughts, too: ScottElias ...

ISTE Advocacy for Education: Opportunities in Denver!

Advocacy in Education is so more than ever. ISTE10 Denver has many opportunities to involve yourself for advocating for our customers....the KIDS! Wanna know how? The following is from Hilary Goldmann, ISTE’s Director of Government Affairs : "Once again we have a dynamic line-up of advocacy activities at ISTE2010!! Thanks to all of you for your ideas, help, advice, support, guidance etc… Below is the line-up. • ETAN Booth - Raffle prize is an interactive white board donated by SMART, Technologies. Michelle and Barack Obama will make a cardboard appearance again. • Send a video letter to Congress – We will have flip cameras at the Advocacy Lounge and a script so attendees can send a video email to Congress. • YouTube ISTE Advocacy Channel – We now have an ISTE Advocacy YouTube Channel ! We will post video letters to Congress here and stream them at the Advocacy Lounge. • Collecting success stories at the Advoc...

ISTE SIGMS - Wild, Wild, Steampunk West: A Goldmine of Information!

If you're an educator in Second Life you can experience the 21st Century Library Media Center Playground also on the grid! Can't get to Denver but want to experience the 21st Century Playground? A duplicate and decidedly different set of kiosks have been created in Second Life to mirror those set up in Denver! The informational kiosk topics are: Libraries in Second Life Whiteboards Virtual Bldg Glogster Wikis Twitter Mobile Tech Digital Storytelling This year's theme is the Wild, Wild Steampunk West: the Victorian Denver Goldrush of Information featuring an in-world games and panning for gold!! Created by master builder Miss Eleanor Anderton (Linda Dougherty - RL) and Capt. Red Llewellyn (yours truly!) this build brings together the romance of the steam era and the modernity and Science! of the 21st Century! When you visit, be sure to pick up your free gifts on the oceanfront patio! The souvenir ISTE SIGMS top hat that i created for this event and the beautiful I...

Join Our Geek Tribe for ALA10 & ISTE10

As promised, we have FREE Geek Tribe graphics for you ! My buddies Diane Cordell , Joyce Valenza, and I have designed a special badge that you can print out in colour or black & white so that you can join our Geek Tribe family and REPRESENT at the #ISTE10 Denver or #ALA10 DC Conference!! Since we're split up between the two competing conferences we want to show our Ed Tech solidarity by flaunting our sign! (front) (back) Are you more of an Ed Tech educator? Why not take a badge for your blog?! Download the original size or a variety of sizes of these graphics for yourself by visiting our Geek Tribe Design Gallery ! Or, if you want to buy Geek Tribe SWAG (buttons or stickers!) and help support the Teacher Librarian Ning visit our Geek Tribe Zazzle Store ! Also look for Diane, Joyce or myself at ISTE10 and ALA10 as we will have a VERY LIMITED Amount of special geek tribe membership cards AND Badge Ribbons! Just say the magic words "I Geek the Geek Tribe" and we...

Librarians Go Lady Ga Ga over Ghostbusters

after a long day making phone call after phone call to the homes and parents of all the kids that still have out Library Media books (87!!) i needed a little video fun!..... so from the YouTubes ... Created by Sarah Wachter and featuring "students and faculty from the University of Washington's Information School get their groove on".....ALSO featuring our own Mike Eisenberg ! And because librarians are brilliant at giving credit where credit is due... please see all the resources & cool creds are at the bottom of this post. ImprovEverywhere at the New York Public Libary and from ImprovEverywhere...they share their "latest mission, we brought the movie Ghostbusters to life in the reading room of The New York Public Library at 42 Street. The 1984 movie begins with a scene in the very same room, so we figured it was time for the Ghostbusters to make an encore appearance." Oh and i just uploaded the Justin Bieber has Overdue Books! Blabberize to the YouTubes!...

Bookfellas: Bring Back Your Books - Or Else!

I hope you don't have any overdue books! Or the Bookfellas may just visit and give a gentle reminder ... This video is an oldie but goodie...all students appearing in this video have since graduated from high school! Yeah...this is how we rock the iMovie OLD SCHOOL STYLE!~ See? We had the situation before the Jersey shore was even an idea in some MTV programmers dream! Feel FREE to embed or link to! And this is just a joke, really! ...We really don't have our own hit squad of dark suited, guitar case carrying, tough guys playing cards in the Library Media Center just waiting to go hunt down kids who have one of 221 overdue books.....and then gets misty eyed when one comes back on it's own... anymore. ps. the kid who was carried in was the little brother of Maddy McFaddums (middle kid) and it was HIS IDEA! LOL bookfellas, books return, end of year, goodfellas, jersey shore, library media, mhms media

Justin Bieber Has Overdue Books

Whoda thunk it! Justin Bieber has a very important public service announcement to tell you abooot! (he's from Canada..they say aboot!) With a special guest! Please don't be "THAT GUY" and bring back your library media books! A video created for MHMS students but anyone is welcome to embed or use! (the KIDS Made me do it! - and funny...none of them (unusually!) wanted to do his voice!?) What!? LOL Feel free to TAKE, Embed & USE! Also feel free to take The YouTubes Version photo credits: Maclean’s Interview: Justin Bieber - The R & B sensation talks about Usher and Justin Timberlake, his mom and his fans, and what his swagger coach teaches him... And to quote about that Swagger....which had me ROFLMAO "Q: It’s been reported that you have a “swagger” coach. Can you explain to me what is that? A: It’s pretty simple, it’s basically a swagger coach, he kind of teaches me, he helps me just stay swaggerific. I don’t know. Q: What is it to be swaggeri...

Vampires Don't Have Overdue Books!
But Mary Sues, Do!

Edward knows the importance of keeping an intact we all know, throughout the years he has been an avid reader...thus he urges Bela to be responsible and bring back those books. (partial re-post from my MHMS Media Blog for my kids - but with bonus snarky extras!) Now...i've ranted before (my SL Blog in '08) how annoying and MarySue I think Bela is...sorry hon....but here's the whining clumsy little thing who still can't quite get the hang of returning those Library Media Books! ....but for those who haven't met Mary Sue let me re-post that for you here! It was a hot August 24, '08 ...and i was at the pub with two of my most beloved gorgeous/ smart/amazingly erudite/and perceptive English teacher friends - Leila & Alice...and we were all brainstorming and talking about FAN FICTION ... & how to use it as a force of good with her advanced HS English students...using Blogs, Ning's and Wiki's Oh my! and how the kids could...

Mini Moo Cards Arrive! WOW!

The Daring Librarian: New Moo Mini Cards with RED felt card giver! As a newly elected member to the Board of Directors of ISTE i felt it was important to have a serious and professional business card to hand out at the Denver ISTE conference so that people could get to know me.. and feel my swagger! New Moo Cards Arrive! \\FTW!// & W00t! Photoshopped & Posterized @ 6 --- is the Photohop filter of POSTERIZE cliche? Is it the "curl page" of today? Saturday the 29th of May i ordered (and blogged about) my Mini Moo cards online... .and WOW! They're here! Let's count up those days...shall we? 10 days!! ....I must say that's effing brilliant! This is an inspiration blog!

5 FREE & Fun Digital Photo Sites

Irony of ironies...I've been working on a photo fun blog posting for a while consider this a wee tasty appetizer until November. There are so many yummy things to share you'll get your fill and be inspired to give it a dab hand! Now all these sites and more can also be found on my Sqworl Group: Digital Photo Fun Inspired by my fav Squidoo Geek dagsmith - here's my fav Top 5 FREE & Fun Digital Photo Sites to satisfy you for now. 1. Deefunia : is Funky fresh and fun to use for blogging! " it's an online image editing tool that gives users a fun filled experience. Users can upload any photos and just wait to see the wonder it does. Any photo, though photos of people work best, can be placed in any number of unique photo layouts - both fun and embarrassing." The above pic is from my favourite template, then i Photoshopped it adding a posterize filter and created a less obtrusive cred on the bottom. Here's a widget...