MSET Conference a Whole Lot of Awesome!

I am so glad that our ISTE affiliate changed its name from MICCA, which stood for the "Maryland Instructional Computers Coordinators Association to MSET - the Maryland Society for Educational Technology because though it was easier to say MICCA it really did NOT reflect the new 21st century technology shifts or leave room for new innovation.

Every year for the past fourteen years I've presented and attended the MICCA conference and it's part of what has made me who i am as a technology educator. Because we've had the opportunity in Maryland to see people like Will Richardson, Kathy Shrock, Hal Davidson, and of course my personal hero...Joyce Valenza and to LEARN cool new cutting edge things and get our minds blown and we only had to drive to Baltimore to do it.

It was here that i first heard about Second Life, Wiki's, and web 2.0 tools. And got inspired to dive in and try those new things in my own world. the same year that formerly NECC or the National Educational Computing Conference changed its name to ISTE....the INTERNATIONAL Society for Technology IN Education it seems very fitting that we also changed our name to MSET!

Tammy Zino-Seergae, Julie Wray, Joanne McConnell, Mel McNamara, Jennifer Elam, Wendy McNeill-McBrien, Bob Coffman, Krissie Wisniewski, and a dozens of amazing MSET volunteers made this conference the BEST ever!

One of the hardest working groups at MSET was the Tech Crew... this amazing group of MSET volunteers tirelessly tweaked the tech and got everything running! A big thanks to Michael Fort who was amazingly helpful to the Digital Sandbox helping us get that put together for the first time!

This year, more than any other we added some of the popular features that NECC had such as we had our own digital sandbox and we had those ever addictive and fun badge ribbons! Of course I have sad "attention-seeking issues" with wanting lots of ribbons at conferences.... i won't write what i said at the conference...heh heh heh. but seriously, these things added to the whole experience to make the MSET conference be the best technology education conference in the Mid-Atlantic area! in fact, people from states all around come to this conference...even as far as Florida!

The MSET bookstore was next to the Digital Sandbox and was a huge success. Here attendees could pick up the books written by the keynotes and the featured speakers.

I was super happy about the success and the feedback we got from the Maryland version of the Learning Tools Smackdown! I want to thank Our Smackdown panel of Techperts were a whole lot of AWEsome!

Geordie Paulus - MICCA Outstanding Technology Leader 2009, Matthew Winner - National Board Certification candidate , Aaron Smith - The Art Guy and Selena Ward - The Tech Tiger!

And a big thank you to our amazing Smackdown Geek Squad: Melissa Grabill and Danielle Dunn were amazing back channel moderators and tech Twiporters! A HUGE Thanks to wonder twins Andrea Christman of Reflections Blog and Kyra Kreinbrook we had awesome BAP Smackdown signage and great time-keeping.

I was really proud that the amazing awesome Jay Bansbach, Program Specialist. Instructional Technology & School Library Media Program Division of Instruction...not only came but twittered during the Smackdown! (and joined our Tweetup which rocked, too!)

Though we had a rocky start with the room being used for a luncheon that didn't get removed then set up on stand up Mic for audience participation and a dais that couldn't fit our whole panel (all of which rattled me a wee bit).... but ....I think Joyce would be proud that we shared great resources in fun, irreverent, and exciting Smackown style! As Geordie Paulus said..."one great tech idea a minute" where participants can just choose their favorites and we created a great Learning Tools Smackdown Wiki chock full of amazing resources! But the most exciting thing about the Smackdown...was Selena Wards brilliant Smackdown Pledge and the exciting things that people want to try to implement in their schools, libraries, and classrooms!

Please feel free to add your own personal and professional tech pledge!

Though i didn't get a chance to go to many concurrent sessions because of my commitment to the Digital Sandbox... I did make a wonderful connection with the amazing Anne Truger and her presentation Professional Learning: the Power of the human network which i'm hoping is put up somewhere on slideshare! She is one Awesomely talented lady and I can't wait to learn with her again!

Howard County Public Schools shined this year at MSET as our own amazing Beth DeFrances of Atholton High School won the 2010 Outstanding Educator Using Technology Award and our beloved and hard working MSET past president Julie Wray - won the coveted Making it Happen award which is an "internationally recognized awards program for educators and leaders in the field of educational technology integration in K–12 schools. The program identifies and rewards educational technology leaders around the world for their commitment and innovation." - ISTE Whoo Hoo Howard County!!!! We rock! Ahem.. I mean, splendid showing Howard County!

For an archive of all the MSET tweets please visit:
I can't wait for next year...i can think of 5 things i want to do in addition or different to make a difference! And I can think of at least 10 things that learned from the keynotes, sessions and from just talking to so many wonderful people! AND i finally got to meet face to face the amazing Joquetta Johnson who is going to help us with the ISTE SIGMS 21st Century Playground in Denver!

Speaking of ISTE conferences..... after many years of being inspired by what i learned at the yearly MICCA (ISTE affiliate) conferences i was intrigued to go to the National conference. My first was Atlanta in 2007 and both intimidated and blew me away! i mean, sheesh... 18500 Attend NECC 2007 in Atlanta and was HUGE! I don't like huge crowds like that usually but the energy was contagious and because of Kathy Shrock's keynote about Second Life....I got one!

I can't wait until ISTE10 in Denver and i am super excited and proud to join the board of directors, learn from SIGMS Chair the Amazing Lisa Perez, be part of the Library Tools Smackdown, and re-connect with all the amazing educators who have enriched my Personal Learning Network this year! XOXO!
MSET Conference - Baltimore, Maryland on PhotoPeach

Liked the Flickr Slideshow at the top? Here are the directions!
International Reader Shoutout!
To my 38 readers of Japan:

私は非常にあな たが私のささやかなブログを読んであなたの貴重な時間がかかる光栄に思います。ご愛顧と 感謝のコメントや提案を残してためらうことはありません!

btw, i LOVES me some sushi!


  1. It was FABULOUS to meet you too! What a bundle of energy, passion and talent! I look forward to connecting again at ISTE if not before. You inspire me!



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