MSET Learning Tools Smackdown - Baltimore

Prizes! Interactive! Collaborative! 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Session 3 - Room 327 Baltimore Convention Center This interactive, energetic, sharing session will highlight the best new tools in a variety of categories. Members of a panel of technology educators from several different counties, subjects areas, and grade levels will share their top picks and invite audience members to contribute by coming to a central microphone. All ideas generated will be added to a Learning Tools Smackdown session wiki , the MSET Ning and shared with the community! Smackdown Panelists: Andrea Christman Melissa Grabill Kyra Kreinbrook Geordie Paulus - MICCA Outstanding Technology Leader 2009 Matthew Winner Danielle Dunn Gwyneth Jones - The Daring Librarian Aaron Smith - The Art Guy and Selena Ward - The Tech Tiger! adjunct Smackdown contributer: Brenda Anderson - ISTE Professional Development Chair Imagine, Innovate, Inspire: Piecing Together My Learning Journey will share their picks fo...