What's Your Web Presence?
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Because Joyce writes better than me in her sleep and i should be asleep right now.... i'm re-posting what she wrote from her AWEsome #1 Edublog Award Winning Never Ending Search Blog! (ok, so i'm lazy! :P)
"Tomorrow is the second of our first-Monday TL Virtual Cafés! Please plan to attend and take away some brilliant ideas to incorporate into your own virtual practice.
Join colleagues across the U.S. (and beyond!) for a free webinar on school library Web presence, Monday evening, March 1, at 8:00 p.m. EST. (That's 5 PM Pacific!)
Our esteemed practitioner guests for this session include: Buffy Hamilton, Carolyn Foote, Barb Jansen, Christina Bentheim. Gwyneth Jones and I will be hosting.
Find out how to support your students and faculty in a virtual environment. Join the conversation with presenters from Georgia, Texas, and Nevada, facilitators from Pennsylvania and Maryland, and participants from as far away as Australia and Hong Kong. All from the comfort of your kitchen chair or sofa!Find the details here at the TL Café Wiki and on the TLNing. If you are new to Elluminate as a learning platform, you may want to spend a few minutes on this tutorial.
You'll find our TL Café Webinar room HERE!
Please take our poll to tell us what your are currently using for your library's web presence.
Feel free to share this post widely with school administrators, as well as technology administrators, and librarian colleagues who may not be readers of the blog."
Hope to see you tomorrow at the TL Café!"
Joyce Valenza Ph.D
TL Virtual Cafe: On Web presence
February 28, 2010
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