Thank you Edublog, Dear Readers & Voters!

"Thank you so much to all of the people who took the time to vote for Library Media Tech Musings and other blogs that were nominated in the 2009 edublogs awards.
The category of Best Library/Librarian blog was taken out by the wonderful, gorgeous, amazing and my personal goddess & guru Joyce Valenza and her extremely useful “Never ending search” blog.
The amazingly cool Australian Bright Ideas blog was fortunate to be awarded “First runner up.”
And I got third runner up! Whoohoo! I was totally psyched just to be nominated and share the stage with gurus and amazing educational technology professionals that I have followed & admired for years!
All of the blogs and wikis nominated were of an extremely high standard and the shortlists provide an excellent way to find great blogs to follow.
Best wishes for the season and hope you have a safe and happy time. Thank you to all the readers of the blog for their support and encouragement this year."
This blog posting was totally snagged from Bright Ideas because I sometimes have difficulty expressing my thanks and gratitude succinctly without gushing and sounding like a total doofus!
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