Share Out Loud: Join the Wiki!

Pointing to Effective Practice, Join the Wiki!
Joyce Valenza, in her SLJ NeverEndingSearch Blog, writes that we need to share out loud!
"One of the big issues in our field is that we do not have a clear way to point to effective practice. What does our best stuff look like?Sometimes when re-vamping or starting a school library blog, website, or project it would be nice to see what others have done to get a fresh outlook and a new perspective!
Considering our relatively new ability to share so much of our programs online, this should not be a problem.
So, let's start collecting and sharing out loud."
Join in! For more, read the rest of her blog and join the newly re-purposed School Library Websites Wiki!
If you haven't joined Wikispaces before you will have to do that first, then click Join this Wiki and once we get your join wiki request we'll add you right away!
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