Edublog Award Nominations 09: Fearless Generosity & Insight

The Edublog Nominations are open! It's time to recognize those people in our PLN who have made a difference. Those who have touched our minds (and sometimes our hearts) and taught us something in this past year. Even recognize those blogs that have been our GO TO blog resource since blogging started.
I was VERY flattered, surprised, & thrilled when i found out that none other than the amazing Shelly Terrell nominated this blog for the Library/Librarian category. At first i thought she was meaning my school blog which i started in 06 but it's this blog!...still a bloggy toddler created after NECC09 this summer when i decided i needed an outlet to talk about my opinions about being a teacher librarian and a technology educator in the 21st century and show helps, cheat sheets, and links to resources. Oh and yes, i showed my Mum!
- Nominations: Close Tuesday 8 December!
- Voting: Ends Wednesday 16 December!
- Award Ceremony: Friday 18 December!
Nominations are now open… read on to find out how to nominate:
Ok...nuff about me! Let's talk about some real amazing educators who make a difference!
Best individual blog: Joyce Valenza - the Neverending Search Blog - always on the cutting edge, generous, she gives, gives and gives some more to everyone. she pulls people in and includes everyone and is an inspiration to all teacher librarians everywhere.
Best individual tweeter: mtechman Melissa Techman -shares library & tech resources like a ninja and has a great sense of humour!
Best new blog: Teacher Reboot Camp by Shelley Terrell. No this is so not payback for her nomination - i'm a regular reader! ...she shares so much so clearly and with such heart that i frequently go back and check her posts!
Best resource sharing blog: Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day He's amazing! i could ramble on about his perception, generosity and sense of humour...but you've prolly heard it all...AND he's cool!
Most influential blog post: Danah Boyd: spectacle at Web2.0 Expo... from my perspective Why? See my previous post. That's why. Bravery and honesty and a voice of change.
Best teacher blog: The lazygal's Killin' time being lazy. this gal is anything BUT lazy! 1000+ blog posts since 2004!
Best librarian / library blog: Buffy Hamilton's Unquiet Librarian and the Unquiet Library - she is amazingly generous, gracious, kind, and incredibly intimidating with her energy and creativity and her fearlessness to bring school libraries into the 21st century. her library has a FaceBook page a twitter feed AND she's had authors skype in for talks to her students. she's frankly AMAZING!.
Best educational use of a virtual world: Chris Smith aka Shamblesguru Voom in Second Life, creator of the The International Schools Island (isi) blog and a wonderfully generous educator.
Best educational tech support blog: Sylvia Tolisano Langwitches Blog
Best educational use of video / visual: Common Craft Show
Best educational wiki: WebTools4U2Use
Best educational use of a social networking service: Classroom 2.0Lifetime achievement: Will Richardson – Weblogg-ed
Then, follow these two simple steps to nominate (nominations made without links or without correct submission will not be counted)
Step 1: Write a post on your blog linking to:
- The Edublog Awards Homepage (that’s here :)
- The blogs & sites that you want to nominate (must be linked to!)
You can nominate for as many categories as you like, but only one nomination per category, and not yourself You can nominate a blog (or site) for more than one category)
For example:
My Nominations for The 2009 Edublog Awards are:
Best individual blog: Larry Ferlazzo
Best resource sharing blog: OL Daily
Check out these nomination posts to see how it can be done!
- Silvia Tolisano has made her nomination post really EASY to grab her links to use in the voting process
- Liz B. Davis’s nomination post has done an excellent job of explaining her choices
Step 2: Email us the link to your nomination post
Use the form below to contact us, please include a genuine email address (spam free, just in case we need to confirm identity) and the link to your nominations post.
Your complete contact form should look similar to this example below! You can’t submit your nominations without writing a blog post
So there it goes, i know i'm leaving some people out....i may let it germinate for a day or two but WOW! so many wonderful educators out many who inspire that it's just mind blowing sometimes! and the one thing all these people have in common? GENEROSITY!
What an excellent post! Thanks for the nomination and for highlighting these amazing people I should have included in my nominations as well! I love how you did this with the pictures! Another great post!