Save The Coffeeboy: Ransom Note Generator
Great for Wiki or Blog headers....or Just for Fun ! I really like this Ransom Note Generator ...but it's a bit have to play with it to get good results adding spaces and the like. But when you'e done you can download the image to your HD & i crop it with iPhoto but i think it's right nifty! Here are some tips from the site Tips: Use the button at the top of your picture to download it to your computer! See this page for more ideas! To align the text (left, center, or right) on this picture, just put spaces before or after any of the words until you like the way it looks. This particular image generator's font can benefit from using various upper and lower cased letters. TrY DoiNG iT foR DiFfeRenT ResULts! Another Good (and fun!) Header Resource is Spell with Flickr... this resource i think i really need to give a rest because i love it SO much i believe i've overused it! but it just charms me so...and i love playing with it because if you don...