Creating A Comic Life

So, I get this Tweet & email question a lot..."How do you make those At-A-Glance Comic Tutorials!?" I've mentioned it before but here's's Comic Life! The above comic was probably my first - I created in 2007 for my Daring Tech Wiki about Comic Life (with classroom ideas!) and the below comics (all 3 pages!) were created by the awesome Media Specialist & my colleague & friend Mr. Adam Yeargin (he also does rockin video book review blogs!)- and he graciously gave me full permission to tweak them a little bit adding some pics (dear readers, you know of my graphic design addictions) to share with you & add them to the Comic Tutorial collection. Thanks Adam for your amazing talent & generosity! Everyone Enjoy! Creative Commons 4evah! (OOooh what a great tattoo that would be!) And Yes, I am ADD - what gave it away? O00 Shiny!

Comic Life also helped me make my Comic Mission Statement!

Want a choice of sizes? They're in my Comic Tutorial Flickr Gallery 

Buying Information:
Comic Life 2 just came out - in MAC & Win! It's only $19.99 to download!

Ps. Changed the name of this blog post because of the AWEsome Justin Tarte & his lovely tweet!!

Justin Tarte
Creating a "Comic Life" by @ - gr8 step by step instructions


  1. I've been blown away by how engaging your comics are for some time, Gwyneth, and have been meaning to go for getting Comic Life. I just took the plunge and downloaded it.

  2. Thank you so much and YAY! I'm so excited to see what your creative mind will come up with! Please do share your creations! Cheers!

  3. Congrats you mover & shaker!

  4. Thank you so much Barbara! It was such an honor to be named & with a great group of people!

  5. The forge of creativity & business that was Marvel Comics was a synchronic chord sounded by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko and all the authors and artists and inkers and colorists who worked there. old marvel comics

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