Second Life: Interactive Books

I was very pleased and gratified to have Sir JJ Drinkwater of the Caledon Library bestow upon me a very special bookcase ((I later found out they were FREE for the asking! LOL))...using scripts provided by the esteemed code poet Sir ZenModo Wormser. This special bookcase is very interactive and actually gives out books that you can read in-world! (pray, gentle on any picture below for a Full Size version!)

click on the bookcase to get a selection of titles:

Keep the book that they offer to you as an object...the brilliant part is that the books are only 1 prim and they can be used as real clickable books! Scatter them around your house! Put them on a shelf or a table for the enjoyment of your guests! Read them at your leisure!

Rez the object on a shelf or a table then click upon it and
it will ask do you want to visit the Aetheric version of that book...choose Go to Page

From here you can read the book, in its original form...clicking from page to page!

Such a wonderous resource to have! If you wish to see these book cases in action and in-world borrowing copies for yourself... I have two of these bookcases in my factory, Red's Revenge at Llewellyn Industries in New Babbage

and in the Great Obolensky Steampunk Metal Treehouse.

You are welcome to drop by and read to your heart's content or take the books back with you to your house! --UPDATE 10/2013: My house is now in Winterfell Absinthe
Cheers dear reader!
~Capt. Red
Here are the other closeups of the books available!
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